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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nick Vujicic

he said:"It is a great privilege to welcome you to the Life Without website. My name is Nick Vujicic and I'm 26 years old. I was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given me the strength to surmount what others might call impossible. Along with that, the Lord has placed within me an unquenchable passion to share this same hope and genuine love that I've personally experienced with more than two million people all over the globe.

Traveling extensively to over 19 nations, I've been extremely humbled by the continuous opportunities that the Lord has given me to share my testimony along with the hope that I have in Jesus with people in so many nations and situations. My greatest joy in this life is to introduce Jesus to those I meet and tell them of His great desire to get to know them personally by allowing Him to become their Lord and Savior.

One of my favorite scriptures from the Bible is Psalm 139:17-18 that says, "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand."

God has used me to let people know in countless schools, churches, prisons, orphanages, hospitals, stadiums and in face-to-face encounters with individuals how very precious they are to God. Secondly, it's my pleasure to assure them that God does have a plan for their lives that is purposeful. For God took my life, one that others might disregard as having any significance and filled me with His purpose and showed me His plans to move hearts and lives toward Him. Understanding this, though faced with struggles, you can overcome too.

Be encouraged today as you read this promise from the Lord found in Jeremiah 29:11 of the Bible, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

her mom is a nurse.her mom delivery hundreds of baby and at last se born a song.nick vujicic,but then the doctor said to her.congratz,u got a baby,but badly he had no legs,no arms.he would not dress up him self,dance,enjoys and sports like normal person.he is so thankful to her parents thats never giveup on him.And now,he can swim,jump,calls MC.D ,play suft games without his arms and imagin,if he would you what would u do?i bet most of the parents will giveup on the bout if you are nick vujicic?sure you edi giveup on urself,waiting for the end.Why should we do so?nick vujicic can live without arms,legs!you know he said,when he go to the market and everybody looking at him,he got no legs and arms just a little chicken chopstick as he said.hahas,a kid saw him and say WHAT HAPPENS?he said.ciggrate.LOL,he trying to tell all the peoples that dun ever giveup even u fail 100 times 1000 times or more.nothing is impossible in this world.guys,we always blame that we dun have good looking or what,how bout nick?for all the girls who wants his next half got no arms and legs to protect and u need protect him back?nick also nvr giveup !his family member all has pass away.what he can do?now days he try to go all over the world.tell people we dun ever giveup wat ever we meet or happens.dun blame each another.

Get Inspired: Articles to help you find your purpose
A youth minister recently said, “Love God in front of people. Love people in front of God.” That seemed a fitting statement for our “Get Inspired” section. The “fruit” of who we really are is seen in our actions. And our actions are born out of what resides in our hearts. How do we get to a place where we can both love God and then love people the way that God would have us do?

Many times, when Nick Vujicic is on the road in the United States or in one of the many countries he has visited, he speaks to people who are really hurting and broken due to any number of circumstances. When the circumstances become overwhelming, people often turn to things other than God to fulfill their needs, ultimately ending up in a place that doesn’t bring the true and lasting satisfaction they’re seeking.

Nick Vujicic cannot help but be an icon of inspiration because he’s so beautifully allowed God to take his life and use it to the fullest. But, even he would say to you, in order for that precious “seed” that God has planted in you to grow, it needs to be watered, so that spiritual “fruit” may be seen on the branches of your life.

Let this section of our website augment your faith and serve as a launching platform to greater things! When you’ve read the articles here, move on over to the “Get Passionate” section remembering it’s only a start, a “seedling”, compared to the purposes He has planned for you! Reinvigorate your faith! Get Inspired! (Jeremiah 29:11)

source:nick vujicic websites.

lets read his website for more detail!

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