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Sunday, January 10, 2010

W hen you love someone that doesn't love you back.
When you've given so much of yourself-mind, body, and soul and that person could care less.
When theyre all you think about night and day and they hardly think of you.
When they dont call, text, or come by like they said they would, and yet another lonely night you've spent.
When the pain and hurt bypasses your heart and cuts into your soul, and you wonder why you even care and "just let it go" is what you've been told.
When you wonder if its someone else and what they have that you don't.
When you've cried a river with your tears...given your all...tried and tried...cried too many times...cursed the ground they walked on and apologized unnecessarily...when you've been on an emotional roller coaster happy, sad, depressed, and mad...when you've cared about this someone more than you've cared about yourself...when your feelings went when you loved someone that didn't love you back.

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