OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

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Saturday, June 13, 2009


haiz..........long time no write blog coz of lazyness(its should be correct now)...........
alright........lets replay back mine old time tat is last day of exam...........
last day of exam is funny even is sejarah exam.........
wat we do?laugh ........ conteng here and there..........

exam time curi curi take picture.,...haha
guess wats spec......
lolx.........fren are sleeping and the indian trying tiru .........lolx..........
haha......he had nothing to do coz too hapi.........
second gay.....xienz.........he is bend down d......acually he is tall like KLcC>?=.=

frenz draw it when teacher is sleeping while exam time.........(alagasami is frenz name)
lolx lolx lolx........its hapi while last exam......i m not bad boy ........ dun think teacher dun care us or anything ........=.=

i recorded one video while exam time........teacher trying to play students hair ......lolx........uploading soon...........

while mine last day of holidays..........i found some thing...........its a banana (rujuk gambar di bawah) big is it>?guess ba........

alot stories in holiday coming soon just dun have some pic and lazy to write.......xD

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