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Thursday, March 12, 2009

two days no post ....xD.....bored last few day...why?i goes mine bro house stay for two days..........and when i going there........the sun is so nice.........
tat is bright..............
i have no idea wat i go there for?=.=.
looking at the sun.............=.=

reach the nite..................mine bro bring me to go kesas highway.....for buy satay?wtf......highwat food court satay nice meh................when i go...many people there..........i duno they r q up...........i just straight go the counter and order........xD........the satay store is the malaysia best record of 30 people barbeque satay day over 7000 satay been sell..........nice man..........the kuah of the satay also abit special........just like capucinno color.........lolx.....
tat is .........
xD........after tat........i duno wat happen..........suddenly mine leg is bleeding.........lolx.......i ask mine bro gift a plaster and stick it..........when i got the plaster.....tat a donald duck plaster=.=. all wat i do tat day....................

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